Many teachers complain over slow online system
PETALING JAYA: The school exams online data analysis system is not working out well as teachers complained that it was not user-friendly and slow.
The system known as SAPS or System of Analysis for School Examination has caused frustration among teachers.
Under the Education National Key Result Area (NKRA) initiative, teachers are required to submit the exam data online.
Many teachers described the portal as “extremely slow” and not user-friendly.
“The system often hangs due to heavy traffic. We are advised to use it late at night or early in the morning when the portal is less busy.
“Why must the MOE punish the teachers? We need time to prepare our lessons at home,” one teacher said.
The system has been developed to collect, store and analyse examination marks online for the Education Ministry, state education departments, education district offices and schools to access the data for analysis.
The National Union of Teaching Union (NUTP) secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng said she had received many complaints from teachers in Selangor and Federal Territory.
“It's not fair to the teachers because their normal routine has been affected.
“MoE should have made sure it was ready for use. NKRA is supposed to solve problems and not create more problems for teachers,” she said.
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